- 4:00pm (IP) Two-Part Series on Engaging with Antisemitism
- 7:00pm (IP) Wings of the Dove Engagement Session
- 7:00pm (ZM) Wings of the Dove Engagement Session
| - 5:00pm (ZM) Climate Action Team Meeting
- 6:00pm (ZM) Palestinian Justice Letter Writing Group
| - 12:00pm (HYB) Jewish Mindfulness & Meditation
- 7:00pm (ZM) Book Group: Tracing Homelands by Linda Dittmar
| - 8:30am (HYB) Morning Minyan
- 6:30pm (IP) Havurah Middle School
- 6:30pm (IP) Havurah High School
- 7:00pm (IP) Hebrew as a Tool: Prayer and Torah
| Rosh Chodesh Shevat - 5:30pm (ZM) Healing the Heart, Soothing the Soul
- 7:00pm (IP) History of Sephardic Jews and Their Language, Ladino
| | Bo - 9:00am (HYB) Weekly Torah Study
- 10:00am (HYB) Reparations Shabbat: Exploring Our Relationships with Indigenous Peoples
- 10:30am [Tot Shabbat CANCELLED]
- 6:07pm Havdalah
- 11:30am (IP) View on Your Own & Discuss Together: Short Films by Palestinian Filmmakers
- 3:00pm (IP) Game Day for Havurah Members
- 7:00pm (HYB) Rosh Ḥodesh Tov! Gender-Inclusive New Moon Ritual
| - 7:00pm (IP) Learn to Chant Torah
| - 12:00pm (HYB) Jewish Mindfulness & Meditation
- 4:00pm (HYB) Finance Meeting
- 6:30pm (IP) Dreams in the Torah, Dreams in Our Lives
| - 8:30am (HYB) Morning Minyan
- 6:30pm (IP) Havurah Middle School
- 6:30pm (IP) Havurah High School
- 7:00pm (ZM) Wings of the Dove Engagement Session
- 7:00pm (IP) Hebrew as a Tool: Prayer and Torah
| - 5:30pm (ZM) Healing the Heart, Soothing the Soul
- 7:00pm (IP) History of Sephardic Jews and Their Language, Ladino
| | Beshalach - 9:00am (HYB) Weekly Torah Study
- 10:00am (HYB) Text and Torah Shabbat: Names of God
- 3:00pm (IP) Shabbat School
- 6:18pm Havdalah
- 9:45am (IP) Annual Havurah Leadership Retreat
- 4:00pm Queer@Havurarah Solidarity Potluck (at N. Portland home)
| - 7:00pm (ZM) Teen Engagement Committee Meeting
- 7:00pm (IP) Learn to Chant Torah
- 7:00pm (IP) Monthly Music Jam
| - 12:00pm (HYB) Jewish Mindfulness & Meditation
- 6:30pm (HYB) Steering Meeting
- 7:00pm (IP) KS Rehearsal
| - 8:30am (HYB) Morning Minyan
- 4:00pm B'nei Mitzvah Run-through
- 6:30pm Middle School: Welcome Home Assembly
- 6:30pm (IP) Havurah High School
- 7:00pm (IP) Hebrew as a Tool: Prayer and Torah
| Tu B'Shvat - 4:00pm B'nei Mitzvah Run-through
- 5:30pm (ZM) Healing the Heart, Soothing the Soul
- 7:00pm (ZM) Monthly Racial Justice Meeting
- 7:00pm (IP) Zionism, Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism
| - 5:18pm Candle Lighting
- 5:45pm (HYB) Kabbalat Shabbat Celebration
| Yitro - 9:00am (HYB) Weekly Torah Study
- 10:00am Shabbat Morning with Bat Mitzvah of Hannaleah Lindner
- 5:30pm (IP) Purim Play Time
- 6:28pm Havdalah
| - 7:00pm (IP) Learn to Chant Torah
| - 12:00pm (HYB) Jewish Mindfulness & Meditation
- 6:30pm (ZM) Intro to Situational Awareness and the Power of Hello
- 6:30pm (IP) Dreams in the Torah, Dreams in Our Lives
| - 8:30am (HYB) Morning Minyan
- 6:30pm (IP) Middle School: Singing and Gaming
- 6:30pm (IP) Havurah High School
- 7:00pm (IP) Hebrew as a Tool: Prayer and Torah
| - 5:30pm (ZM) Healing the Heart, Soothing the Soul
- 7:00pm (IP) Zionism, Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism
| | Shabbat Mevarchim Mishpatim - 9:00am (HYB) Multi-Synagogue Torah Study
- 10:00am (HYB) Shabbat Morning
- 3:00pm (IP) Shabbat School
- 5:30pm (IP) Purim Play Time
- 6:38pm Havdalah
- 10:00am (IP) B’nei Mitzvah: Beginning the Journey/Date Selection
- 1:30pm (IP) The Jewish Catalog: The Next 50 Years
| - 5:00pm (ZM) Climate Action Team Meeting
- 6:00pm (ZM) Palestinian Justice Letter Writing Group
- 7:00pm (IP) Learn to Chant Torah
| - 12:00pm (HYB) Jewish Mindfulness & Meditation
- 7:00pm (ZM) Book Group: Doppelganger by Naomi Klein
| - 8:30am (HYB) Morning Minyan
- 6:30pm (IP) Middle School: Mural Painting
- 6:30pm (IP) Havurah High School
- 7:00pm (IP) Hebrew as a Tool: Prayer and Torah
| - 5:30pm (ZM) Healing the Heart, Soothing the Soul
- 7:00pm (IP) Zionism, Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism
| Rosh Chodesh Adar - 5:38pm Candle Lighting
- 5:45pm (HYB) Solidarity Shabbat
| Rosh Chodesh Adar Parshat Shekalim Terumah - 9:00am (HYB) Weekly Torah Study
- 10:00am (HYB) Text and Torah Shabbat: Special Shabbatot
- 5:30pm (IP) Purim Play Time
- 6:48pm Havdalah